Wake Up: This is War!
Stop the DRC Ebola virus Outbreak
Na’eem A. Abdullah, M.D., Ph.D., M.S.M.
July 15, 2019
Copyright © 2019 Na’eem A. Abdullah All Rights Reserved
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Ebola virus and other emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) are among the most lethal microbial agents known to humans. Lethal EID outbreaks have increased in frequency over the last 20 years, and we must now acknowledge that these outbreaks are a significant pandemic threat to the interconnected global community. This essay focuses on the present Ebola virus outbreak in the northeastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) that has been ongoing from the fall through summer of 2018-2019.
This poorly controlled Ebola virus outbreak continues to fester alongside local and regional militia violence to threaten the DRC and the world. This outbreak has recently expanded entering the neighboring nation of Uganda. Beginning with a brief history of the present DRC Ebola virus outbreak, this essay details some medical and political reasons that Ebola virus will spread from East Africa, posing a global threat, and how we must respond to curtail this evolving threat. This Ebola virus outbreak is one in a series of increasingly common pandemic threats, and highlights weaknesses in the global community’s commitment to biosecurity for all nations. As a case study, this outbreak tests our ability to recognize these new EID threats and to deal with them swiftly as a single unified species or risk a disastrous pandemic that could devastate humanity.
Among the factors that make Ebola virus and other EIDs direct threats to 21st-century societies are the size of our cities and the movement of large numbers of people through international transportation systems. A person recently infected with Ebola virus could fly across the world and rest at home for days before her symptoms begin. Even with new rapid diagnostic tools some EID infected carriers can pass through surveillance screens undetected which permits further regional or international spread of the lethal agent. This essay also addresses disagreements surrounding the pandemic threat of EIDs originating along the equator which migrate to developed nations.
Due to a lack of funds, regional violence and other causes the rate of new cases has increased showing deterioration in our ability to control this outbreak. On July 17, 2019 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) which advises the international community to commit personnel, resources and financial assistance to fight this outbreak.
Is humanity willing to put aside differences to work to end this and future EID outbreaks? If so, after carefully reviewing the facts and recognizing the volatility of the environment, we must coordinate a strong intervention program with the WHO’s coalition to win this battle against DRC’s Ebola virus outbreak. The battles against this DRC Ebola virus outbreak and the greater 21st century wars against EIDs have already begun.
Copyright © 2019 Na’eem A. Abdullah All Rights Reserved